Connecting to the MySQL Server

জুন 23, 2011

Connecting to the MySQL Server TRY This SiteBuilder FREE!! – No Credit Card Before you can perform any operation on a database you must connect to the MySQL server. The syntax for performing this operation is shown with variations below.

Connecting to the MySQL Server Read the rest of this entry »

PHP MySQL: Display Data

জুন 22, 2011

PHP MySQL: Display Data php mysql basic step by step tutorial – part 10: In looking for one or more data in the database, you can use syntax such as: SELECT field1,field2,… FROM name_table WHERE condition1,condition2,… ORDER BY name_field If field displayed is all field from the table, so all of the name field itself does not have to be declared but it is enough to change with the sign * then all field will be accessed. ORDER BY parameter shows the data that is organized based on which field you choose. The default sequence is from the Read the rest of this entry »

Displaying the Data

জুন 22, 2011

In the script below we’ll see how to use the mysql_query function to retrieve records or rows from our birthdays table.

We’ll also be introduced to 2 new mysql functions num_rows and fetch_row.

Most of the script is a repetition of syntax you’ve already learned. The standard procedures of connecting to the server and selecting the database will not be explained. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Display MySQL Table Data?

জুন 22, 2011

After you have created the table and filled it with data, you will probably need to display it. This is usually done using basic HTML code. Putting the data using HTML pages is almost identical to inserting it using a PHP script. The benefit, though, is that you do not need to change the script for each piece of data you want to input and you can also allow your users to input their own data.

The following code inserted in an HTML page will display the data from the databases with textboxes in which the appropriate details are fitted:

<form action=”insert.php” method=”post”> Read the rest of this entry »